IELTS Essay writing is the Task Number 2 for both Academic and General Training Test takers. The intreresting point is that both categories of Test Takers face equal challenges while working on this question. Most common issue is the generation of ideas for the topic asked in the exam.
Unable to generate ideas for writing an effective Essay for IELTS writing Task 2.
Root Cause
1) Un-related Topic
This is the most common reason of not having enough points for writing the essay. People usually get a topic which is not related to their field. For example, a Doctor appearing for IELTS exam gets a topic of advancement in Artificial Intelligence. The test taker becomes clueless for some time and then writes whatever comes in mind.
2) Never practiced a similar question before
This is a fact which will remain forever valid. Nobody can practice all topics. Most of the test takers get stressed out after seeing a question which they are reading for the first time.
Do not worry !! We have an interesting solution that will surely solve your problem.
Solution : Mastering Idea Generation Technique for Essay Writing Task
IELTS Conqueror has developed a comprehensive protocol that will enable you to generate unlimited idea for Writing Task 2. We call it as PESTHEL approach, where :
- P – Political
- E – Economical / Economy
- S – Social
- T – Technical / Technology
- H – Health
- E – Environmental
- L – Legal
The key rule is whichever topic you get, you have to start identifying the points related to the topic which have relation to the PESTHEL approach. To understand better, let us consider the following example :
Suppose you get a topic to write an essay for the topic related to advancement in AI, the steps you have to follow are.
Think of the key points that are related to Artificical Intelligence which are related to :
- P (Political) – Your idea could be that politicians can hire tech companies which will use AI to study demographic behavior of a specific region and plan the action campaign accordingly. Other point could be that political parties can use AI for identifying the lesson learnt from past political failures.
- S (Social) – When you consider the social angle, you can think of the problems that AI will bring to the society. For example, the robots will replace the human in jobs. With AI like Face swapping and voice changer, people can harm the social image of anyone and can create an atmosphere of hate.
Similarly, you can think of all aspects and generate enormous number of ideas.
- Economical
- Reduction in Human errors in industries with advancement of AI.
- One robot can replace multiple humans
- Technology
- New Innovation in field of Medicine Science that could possibly cure deadly diseases.
- Health
- Advanced robotic surgeries with more precision and success rate.
- Effective and fast diagnosis of illness
- Environmental
- Identifying natural occuring chemical compounds that can convert Co2 to O2.
- Legal
- Fake Videos and Voice.
- Faster analysis of court case by AI.
This is just an example, you can generate countless ideas with this approach. Just give it a try. Moreover, it is important to note that whatever ideas you generate, you should stick to the following rules as well :
- You have to proceed step by step and think sequentially.
- It is not necessary that you think and write about all the points. The idea is to enable generation of multiple ideas without putting much effort.
- Ideas could be negative or positive and you can use them effectively in your Essay.
Once you are ready with the ideas, the next step is to fit your ideas in the effective Essay structure. Here it the link for the article.