IELTS Computer based listening is bit tricky and you should definitely read this important article before you appear for the exam. Trust me, these computer based listening tips will save you from landing into a disaster.
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Important Tips for Computer based listening exam
1. Do not use Pen & Paper for writing answers (Very Important)
If you are giving computer based exam for the first time and have appeared for paper based exam before, you should remember that there is no extra time given to add back the answers from your paper to the computer.
Many students have reported that they failed to score good in IELTS listening because they were unable to copy answers from paper to their online portal.
2. Attempt the question even if you are not sure
There is no negative marking. So utilize the opportunity and try your luck. If you have a little bit of idea about the correct answer, still there is a probability if you attempt.
3. Do not assume you will be able to play / pause the audio considering you have access on computer
Audio gets played only once. You cannot pause it rewind it even if you are appearing on a computer.
4. Practice all question patterns before you go for the exam (Important)
There are different types of questions. Some might require you to drag and drop the answers and match with the question. Somewhere you will see map data to be filled out. You have to go through every pattern at least once before appearing into the exam.
Many a times you just practice listening, but students have reported the scenarios where they were confused about using the GUI and they missed to hear the audio. As audio is played only once, you might miss to answer few questions which will impact your IETS score.
The computer based IELTS has no major difference in the exam pattern, hence the tips of generic listening remains common. The specific differences of IELTS computer based test are documented in the article which will surely help you a lot.
If you are serious about your score, please visit the article content and do the needful as guided before appearing in the exam.
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